Tips to consider when building Directory Listings
Directory Listings:
- Directory Listings are FREE to post!
- Several required fields include Business Name, Location Region, Google Map Address and Business Type.
- Location Region is a Filter/Search option for users. Select only one Region and if you would like a new region added please go to the “My Account” page and submit a request to add a new region.
- Google Map will auto populate as you enter an address (An address should be a full street and city address but the site will accept just a city and state if that is your preference).
- Business Type is also a Filter/Search for Users. Use multiple selections to help Users match your business to a product type or service that they are searching for.
- Another note on Business Type – When building your listing you can personalize and add additional business types for you and others to use.
- Featured Image – recommend a choice that is either square or taller vs wider since the image is cropped to fit on the main Directory Listing page. If you need assistance to fit an image properly use the “Contact Shop Dog Marketing” option at the bottom of every page and attach a file of your image, we are happy to help!
- Business Description is an important field for your page – Use this field to tell folks about your business. Maybe you tell about history or why you founded the business – anything that you want to add to peak a person’s interest.
- Website and Social Media are all optional – they provide a button for a User to have direct access to your website or social media pages.
- Daily Hours and Operating Hours Notes are all optional BUT every page has an “Operating Hours” header. Recommend at the very least enter some information in the “Operating Hours Notes” field.
Thank you for your interest in our site, if you have any questions or need assistance please use the “Contact Shop Dog Marketing” option at the bottom of every page. We are always happy to help!